Old Project 365 from 2014
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Wednesday, January 01, 2020
By FreeSpiritFoto
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Thats when I saw another photographer create a project called Project 365.  I was intrigued as I would rush to her page every morning to see what she captured.  Letting someone in your life (daily) is not only a big commitment but also a little scary if you tend to be like me, which is a bit private.  Sure I post pictures of my kids and our activities, but dude this is every.single.day!

So I decided to take the plunge and start up my very own Project365 in 2014.  You don't have to be a professional photographer to do your own project, just someone willing to take on the challenge and stick with it.

It was tough to do, which is why I haven't done another one...until 2020.

6 years have passed.  SIX!  

Oh how my children have grown and matured.  I'm a little nervous b/c the picture taking seems to flow better with ease when you have little ones doing silly creative things.  They worry less if people are watching.  They simply don't care if everyone is watching.

But Skylar and Zane were 7 & 6, now they are 12 & 13.  Fully immersed into the tween/teen years and God help me on this project!  Don't be surprised if I only post pictures of rolling eyes, immersed in their phones, door slamming, and tears.  Good Lord! 

I think there's a reason why photographers only do these projects when their children are squishy and cute and NOT full of attitude.  Trust me, just because we homeschool, my children aren't any different!  Ha!

Well let me rephrase that, Zane is still sweet and loves his cuddles and holding my hand, but good heavens on Skylar! She's not ALL attitude though so my goal is to catch her in her sweet precious moments when she thinks no one is watching....which could very well be only in her sleep.  lol

So here we go folks, PROJECT 2020 (say a prayer for me!)

Check out my last one below and boy has my edits changed!  

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